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  • Physical Education


    Sir William Robertson Academy’s aim is for all of our pupils to Aspire to be the best they can be. This core principle drives our vision for curriculum content, sequencing and delivery. It is our belief that Physical Education is vital in maintaining our students’ health; not just their physical health but using physical activity as a vehicle to improve positive mental health and social wellbeing.  Underpinning the curriculum design are “7 Core values” which are not only vital characteristics and skills for life but are essential for what it takes to meet our core value of ASPIRE.  Pupils will be taught the importance of:

    1) Respect

    2) Active healthy participation

    3) Sustained resilience

    4) Confidence

    5) Application of skills using rules, strategies and tactics

    6) Leadership

    7) Skill rehearsal showing motor competence

    Our curriculum is sequenced coherently so that students’ knowledge of PE incrementally grows. Lessons are knowledge rich and vocabulary rich as we cover the broad National Curriculum offering competitive and non-competitive activities. We strive to ensure our pupils are involved in activity through play, participation and or performance.

    Seven underlying attributes are at the heart of SWRA’s curriculum and lessons

    Lessons are knowledge and vocabulary rich so that pupils build on what they already know

    Knowledge is sequenced and mapped out in a coherent format so meaningful connections are made

    Our curriculum is broad covering the National curriculum offering competitive & non-competitive activities

    Our curriculum is accessible and addresses the needs of all pupils