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“Creative thinking is not a talent, it is a skill that can be learned. It empowers people by adding strength to their natural abilities which improves teamwork & productivity.”
Edward de Bono

In the Dance Department at Sir William Robertson Academy, we believe that through building students’ confidence in performance, working collaboratively and providing opportunities for creative exploration, we can prepare them for their next steps in life, whatever they may be. Above all, we aim to nurture creativity and independence for all of our Dance students. We believe in creating a positive and safe space for learners, where they feel able to thrive. This supportive environment serves to ensure that excellence is reached across the GCSE.

Our plan of study includes; choreography, improvisation, performance, dance technique and analysis of their own & professional dance works.  We strive to enable our dancers to discover styles and practitioners who engage and excite them. Practitioners and key works looked at, are diverse and each allow for the students to observe and learn from a wide range of cultures.

We firmly believe that watching and taking part in live dance and performance is fundamental to teaching and therefore we ensure that there are regular opportunities to go on trips, workshops and be part of our annual productions.

Component 1 – Performance and Choreography 60%

What's assessed?

Performance 30% of GCSE

Set phrases through a solo performance (approximately one minute in duration)
Duet/trio performance (three minutes in a dance which is a maximum of five minutes in duration)

Choreography 30% of GCSE

Solo or group choreography – a solo (two to two and a half minutes) or a group dance for two to five dancers (three to three and a half minutes)

How it's assessed:

Internally marked and externally moderated practical performances
Non-exam assessment (NEA) marked by the Centre and moderated by AQA.

Component 2 – Dance Appreciation 40%

What's assessed?

Knowledge and understanding of choreographic processes and performing skills
Critical appreciation of own work
Critical appreciation of professional works

How it's assessed

Written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes – 40% of GCSE

Questions Based on students' own practice in performance and choreography and the GCSE Dance anthology.