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  • Art


    Across the Creative Faculty we aim to develop independent, resilient, creative thinkers who are unafraid to take intellectual and creative risks.  The Art department is committed to offering an inclusive, stimulating and engaging environment. We set high but achievable standards for pupils’ work and behaviour. The Art curriculum provides pupils with first hand experiences of working directly from the natural and built environment, human experience and imagination. Pupils explore visual and tactile experiences to communicate ideas and meanings from which they design and create unique personal responses. Pupils learn how to deepen subject knowledge and refine subject technical skills whilst using a broad range of media and processes. Activities include recording from observation, memory and imagination, which contribute to pupils’ developing visual literacy and communication skills. 

    At KS3 students begin a programme of study designed sequentially towards the demands of KS4. 

    1. To be able to creatively express ideas and experiences in relation to the world around them 
    1. To be able to record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress 
    1. To be able to analyse and select appropriately the work of different artists from different cultures and make connections/links to their own work 
    1. To be able to experiment with a range of media, techniques and processes relevant to intentions 
    1. • To be able to organise and develop ideas relevant to a given theme and their own intentions 
    1. • To be able to develop, plan, refine and produce a personal final outcome. 

    The curriculum is planned to develop the key skills, knowledge and techniques to develop pupils as independent, resilient creative visual artists and develop understanding of the skills required at KS4 and, of course, to give our students a lifelong love of Art!  Pupils develop skills in printmaking, textiles, photography, construction, ceramics, sculpture, mixed media and painting and drawing. Both female and male artists, craft persons and designers are used as sources from different timelines and cultures. All KS3 pupils learn how to develop presentation skills and maintain sketchbooks. There are opportunities throughout KS3 and KS4 for pupils to engage with the community through exhibitions, artist visits and events. 

    At KS4 pupils can follow GCSE Art and specialise in Fine Art, Graphics or the Textiles syllabus. Work becomes increasingly more personal as pupils are encouraged to choose their own themes, sources, techniques and materials to respond appropriately to the world around them. Opportunities to experience the work of other artists through trips and workshops enrich the curriculum and encourage pupils to engage with the subject independently. The KS4 curriculum enables a successful transition to KS5 and a creative career.