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  • Catering & Free School Meals

    Students and staff have the opportunity to purchase tasty homemade food during mid-morning break, as well as at lunchtime.


    We use a cashless payment system which offers an efficient service as well as providing anonymity to those students claiming Free School Meals. Each student has an individual account which parents can fund via the online payment provider ParentPay.

    As well as being able to access information on their child’s meal purchases parents can also use this service to pay for school trips, music lessons and other items.

    We operate a three weekly menu cycle which is changed each term, details of which can be found on this page and also by logging into ParentPay.

    In addition to the main meals we also offer a choice of sandwiches, baguettes, paninis, jacket potatoes, pasta pots, fresh fruit and delicious homemade cakes and cookies.

    Our Menus can be found below:

    Click to read our September 2024 Menu

    January 2025 Menu

    • Please note that due to supply issues, some items may be occasionally substituted. If you have a food allergy or intolerance you should therefore speak to a member of staff before making a purchase.

    What is a Cashless System?

    Our cashless catering system is basically a computer controlled by software which allows the system to recognise each individual student, hold individual cash balances, record cash spent and cash received. It will also show the type of food being purchased on any specific date and time of day.

    How are students recognised by the system?

    Each student will have their fingerprint registered which will then be translated to an individual alpha numeric code. The image is then discarded and students entered into the system program are subsequently identified by their individual code.

    How is this then used to obtain a school meal?

    The student simply places their finger on a scanner at the point of sale; a display will show the server the student’s name, class and current cash balance held within the system. The selected food items will be entered into the system from an itemised keyboard while the amount spent and the new cash balance will show on the display.

    How is money entered into the system?

    (a) Online via the secure payments portal: ParentPay. Online payments are synchronised to the cashless catering system every 10 minutes.

    How will the student be able to check what the current cash balance is held in the system at any one time?

    A remote display at the point of sale will show the new cash balance when the food service is finished.

    If we pay for a set number of school meals, can it be spent in one day?

    An automatic limit of £5.00 per day is set on each student’s account. Upon request, an individual student limit of your choice could also be set, to include a school dinner and break time snacks

    What if the student does not hold a sufficient cash balance one day to pay for a school dinner?

    As before, no student is refused a school dinner because they have not brought their dinner money to school with them. The school will allow for the student to loan money for one day. The student will, however, be expected to bring some money with them the next day to repay the loan and will need to re-credit the system by using the revaluation station or by cheque payment to SWRA via the school office.

    What about students entitled to a ‘free school meal’?

    The system works exactly the same for all students whether they pay or have a free school meal. All students have their own account to use in exactly the same way. The amount allocated for the free school meal will be entered into the system by the software daily.

    The system will then allow, on a daily basis, the required cash amount for each individual student to be allotted to their current cash balance, for spending during the lunchtime period. Whilst any daily underspend against the allowance will be identified by the system, this will not be added to the next day’s balance.

    The student can also add extra cash on to his or her balance in the system by using the revaluation station, to provide a greater daily spend on the school dinner than allocated by their free meal allowance.

    Families are encouraged to check their eligibility for free school meals via the Lincolnshire County Council website:

    Apply for free school meals – Lincolnshire County Council

    Please advise the school of your eligibility so that we can verify this with the local authority and start crediting your child’s daily allowance.

    What happens when my child leaves Sir William Robertson Academy?

    Pupils who are leaving Sir William Robertson Academy are expected to run down the dinner money in their account, preferably so they leave with a zero balance. Any students who leave with a balance of more than £5.00 will in the first instance be transferred to a siblings account. Where no siblings remain in school we will issue refunds for balances over £5.00. All refunds will be issued at the end of the summer term.

    Data Handling

    Certain data will be held on the system to enable accurate operation. This will include your child’s name, class, photo, account balance and meal entitlement. This data will be handled under the guidelines of the data protection act and only used by parties directly involved with the implementation and administration of the system.

    Providing your consent/objecting

    In order to be able to use your child’s biometric information, the written consent of at least one parent is required. Please note that consent given by one parent will be overridden if the other parent objects in writing to the use of their child’s biometric information. Similarly, if your child objects to this, the academy cannot collect or use his/her biometric information for inclusion on the automated recognition system. We would appreciate it if you could discuss this with your child and explain to them that they can object to this if they wish.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be grateful if you could please complete the form and return to Mrs Broxholme in the Finance Office. Please complete one form for each child you have in school.

    Free School Meals

    Are you claiming your entitlement?

    ​According to current research it is estimated that over 200,000 pupils entitled to Free School Meals are not doing so in Lincolnshire! School meals offer a nutritionally balanced meal during the school day to ensure your child is ready and able to engage fully in their learning and we would encourage you to apply for this entitlement.

    Who is entitled?

    You are entitled to free school meals for your children if you receive:

    • Income Support
    • Income based Jobseeker’s Allowance
    • Income related Employment and Support Allowance
    • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
    • The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
    • Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to
    • Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue and Customs) that does not exceed £16,190
    • Working Tax Credit ‘run-on’ – the payment someone may receive for a further four weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
      More information about benefits/tax credits schemes is available on the website, there are Eligibility criteria, calculators and online application forms available. All the information about benefits available to parents/carers can be found on the following link

    Making the claim not only benefits your child in providing a healthy meal but also releases additional funds to the school to ensure they meet their full academic potential through a range of interventions that the school has put in place. Current initiatives include:-

    Cashless catering– An amount of £2.40 is added daily after break time for eligible students, this covers the cost of a hot main meal and pudding, it does not cover the cost of drinks and water is available free of charge from drinking fountains and jugs in the dining room.

    Trip subsidies – for all curriculum based off site events to ensure they can participate fully in all learning opportunities.

    Easter revision classes – to ensure your child is prepared for their final examinations by accessing additional sessions based on examination technique and content linked to a wide range of courses.

    1:1 Tuition in Maths and English – to bridge any barriers to making progress in these key areas of the curriculum.

    Learning Mentor – provided to support pupils who are struggling to make progress or who are having difficulties at home or school.

    For a full list of the interventions the school is providing please click here. (*This intervention is accessible by all students.)


    Lincolnshire County Council has recently announced that there is a new process for Free School Meals which went ‘live’ for parents to use from 4th September 2018.

    Please register and apply via the Portal:

    The Parent Portal allows parents or carers to apply for a school place and apply for free school meals via an online interface. This online interface allows a user to create an account, add their children to the account, and either apply for a school place or free school meals. Once an application has been created and submitted it is available for the Local Authority to view.

    To begin using the Parent Portal, create an account using the ‘Create Account’ link which can be found on the upper left side of this page. To return after creating an account, use the ‘Login’ link which can also be found on the upper left side of this page.

    Using a tablet/smartphone?

    Access the menu items including the ‘Create Account’ and ‘Login’ links using the menu in the top right hand corner.