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  • Parent Apps and Forms

    Medication Administration

    Medicines may be administered in school when it is deemed essential, particularly if it is necessary to safeguard a child’s health or school attendance. Whenever clinically possible, medications should be prescribed with dose frequencies that allow administration outside of school hours. In cases where this is not possible, we follow the SWRA First Aid and Medicines Policy to administer medication.

    Parents or guardians are responsible for providing medications needed during school hours. Medications should be delivered to the school either by the child at the start of the school day or by the parent/guardian. To ensure proper administration, we require a permission form to be completed. Please find the form below.

    Students should not carry medications on their person or self-administer them without the school’s knowledge- with the exception of EpiPens, inhalers, and diabetes treatments, all of which are recommended to be kept with a student at all times. (If you wish for the school to store this medicine, please follow the guidance for other medicines.)

    Emergency Inhaler Use:
    The school maintains an emergency inhaler for use in case of an asthma-related emergency. To grant your child access to this inhaler in such an event, please sign the emergency inhaler form below.

    It’s important to note that we recommend all children with asthma carry their own inhaler at all times. The school inhaler will only be used if a child does not have theirs for any reason.

    Consent Forms:

    To grant permission for the administration of medication or access to the emergency inhaler, please find the necessary consent forms below and return to

    Should you require any clarification or assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to the school office.

    Medication Administration Consent Form: 

    Emergency Inhaler Consent Form:

    Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring the well-being and safety of all students at Sir William Robertson Academy.