Below are descriptions of each of the courses we have on offer at SWRA Sixth Form. For further information about how this fits into the wider curriculum and sequences with our Key Stage 4 curriculum, please see our school subject curriculum pages.
BTEC Level 3 Applied Science offers a wide range of topics in Biology, Chemistry and Physics to provide the foundations for those who see a future in science. This course also enables students to develop a high level of practical laboratory skills to support and develop the theory. Students who have previously studied this course have gone onto degrees including Biomedical Science, Sports Therapy, Pharmaceutical Science and Biological Life Sciences. In terms of assessment it is half coursework assessed, half exam assessed. This course enables students to develop many skills such as analytical, research and communication with topics enabling discussions based upon real workplace situations. Everyone taking this qualification will study four units over the two years:
In A Level Art & Design, students may select to study either Fine Art or Graphic Communication.
In Fine Art, students study the AQA course which offers students the opportunity to experiment with media and techniques and to develop a sense of style in art, using the work of others as an integral part of the development. This development will be extended by students being able to direct their work towards their specific interests and skills, with support given throughout. In the first year, the students are required to work from a range of themes and media to produce work that evidences the development from initial ideas to quality finished outcomes. They are introduced to a variety of experiences and explore a range of media, techniques and processes. The second year allows further development of these skills, through greater emphasis on research of a personal theme and the quality of outcomes.
Component 1 is comprised of a portfolio of work worth 60% of the overall A Level grade, (started in June of Year 12 and completed by January of the second year of study). Component 2 is an externally set assignment. The exam paper, from which students must select a theme to respond to, will be available from February of Year 13 and students will be given a preparatory period, followed by 15 hours of supervised time in which to complete their final piece. Component 2 is worth 40% of the overall A Level.
Students explore relevant images, artefacts and resources relating to art and design and use this knowledge and understanding to develop ideas which is integral to the investigating and making process. Their responses to these examples must be shown through practical and critical activities which demonstrate the students understanding of different styles, genres and traditions. Students will use sketchbooks/worksheets/journals to underpin their work where appropriate. Students may work in two or more areas, such as those listed below. They can explore overlapping areas and combinations of areas: painting and drawing, mixed media, textiles, three-dimensional design, sculpture, printmaking etc. In addition, they can use new technologies and techniques to develop and explore a range of ideas and outcomes.
This course can lead to Foundation or Degree courses in art and design related areas. Jobs include architecture, advertising, illustration, painter, product design, teaching, fashion, graphic design as well as a huge range of other careers for which a visual education is invaluable.
In Graphic Communication, students follow the AQA course and there is a logical progression from GCSE as the assessment objectives, structure and titles are very similar to those specified in the GCSE course specification. In Year 12 students are encouraged to explore, experiment and take risks with a wide variety of media, materials and techniques across the different areas in order to further develop and strengthen their knowledge, understanding and practical skills. Extra-curricular opportunities, both in and out of the school environment, through workshops and visits, are also a significant part of the course, not only in helping students to acquire new skills and develop an appreciation of others’ work, but also in raising awareness of a multitude of fantastic career opportunities available within the creative industries. Year 13 focusses largely on the two areas of assessment. Component 1 is comprised of a portfolio of work worth 60% of the overall A Level grade, (started in June of Year 12 and completed by January of the second year of study).Component 2 is an externally set assignment. The exam paper, from which students must select a theme to respond to, will be available from February of Year 13 and students will be given a preparatory period, followed by 15 hours of supervised time in which to complete their final piece. Component 2 is worth 40% of the overall A Level.
A Level Graphic Communication is an exciting and broad-based qualification exploring practical and critical/contextual work through a range of processes and media. The course directly supports progression to further and higher education in Design and related subjects, as well as to provide students with a rich platform to inspire a lifelong interest in, and enjoyment of, Design. The flexibility of the AQA specification means that students have the opportunity to work within a variety of areas, including: advertising, packaging design, design for print, illustration, communication graphics, branding, multimedia and design for film and television.
Graphic designers are always in demand, particularly those with digital skills. The amount of in-house designer jobs has increased significantly in the past few years with brands such as Apple, Google and NSPCC all investing in their own talent and creative agencies are always on the lookout for fresh new designers.
A visual communication qualification opens the door to a huge range of careers including Graphic Designer, Art Worker, UI/UX Designer, Information Architect, Mobile Designer, Brand Identity Developer, Packaging Designer, Broadcast Designer, Illustrator, Production Artist, Web Designer, Motion Graphics Designer, Set Designer and Creative Director.
A Level Biology builds upon the key concepts and skills you have already learnt at GCSE to further support and inspire students to a future in biological sciences and medicine. Throughout the course you will cover many different crucial topics including: biological molecules; cells; organisms exchange substances with their environment; genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms; energy transfers in and between organisms; organisms respond to changes in their internal and external environments; genetics, populations, evolution and ecosystem; the control of gene expression.
Choosing A level Biology will provide a solid grounding in all these areas and also develop analytical thinking, communication skills and practical skills. The practical element of this course is crucial and numerous opportunities are available for students to take part in both laboratory experiments and field studies in order to prepare for future study. Career choices after studying A level biology are vast offering students a choice of working either indoors or outdoors, with people, plants or animals, in education or research, or a mixture of the above. At the end of the two year course year 13 students will sit 3 examinations;
Paper 1: What’s assessed: Any content from topics 1–4, including relevant practical skills. Assessed: Written exam: 2 hours. 91 marks: 35% of A Level. Questions: 76 marks: a mixture of short and long answer questions. 15 marks: extended response questions.
Paper 2: What’s assessed: Any content from topics 5–8, including relevant practical skills. Assessed: Written exam: 2 hours. 91 marks: 35% of A Level. Questions: 76 marks: a mixture of short and long answer questions. 15 marks: comprehension question.
Paper 3: What’s assessed: Any content from topics 1–8, including relevant practical skills. Assessed: Written exam: 2 hours. 78 marks: 30% of A Level. Questions: 38 marks: structured questions, including practical techniques. 15 marks: critical analysis of given experimental data. 25 marks: one essay from a choice of two titles.
“I took this course because I want to set up my own business in the future” (Current Year 12 student)
This vocational qualification is designed for learners who want to study business and enterprise at a higher level. The course is assessed with 50% coursework and 50% external examination.
The qualification enables learners to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding in finance, human resources, business operations, marketing and business planning.
It’s appropriate for learners wishing to continue their education through applied learning, equipping them with transferrable knowledge and skills for the business and enterprise sector.
Chemistry is the stu
dy of all chemical substances and how to change one chemical into another. The food you eat, the air you breathe, your own body, your mobile phone, the plants and streets around you are all made of chemicals. As you want inexpensive products, chemistry helps to decrease economic costs. As you want a safe environment, chemistry helps to decrease pollution by detecting the toxins, and by destroying them. Gone are the days when poisonous red lead oxide was used to colour cheese, or to sweeten cider; and now we do not put toxic arsenic in cosmetics, nor do we use lead in white paint, or make CFCs that destroy the ozone layer. These chemicals were used mostly out of ignorance, so with the development of new understanding in chemistry a safer world is built.
There are a huge number of different careers that an A Level in Chemistry would pave the way for. It is also a very useful qualification for continuing on to a wide variety of different higher education courses. You can work chemistry into any industrial, educational, scientific or governmental field – the list is endless! Some of the careers that A Level Chemistry would lead to are: Medicine, Veterinary Science, Pharmacy, Nursing, Forensic Science, Biochemistry, Physiotherapy, Engineering, Pharmacology, Food Science, Research and Development as well as Law, Journalism and Education.
This course is a terminally assessed 2 year full A Level course whereby you will be sitting examinations in Year 13 only (nothing in Year 12).
Paper 1: Inorganic and Physical chemistry (2h exam, 35% of the course)
Paper 2: Organic and Physical chemistry (2h exam, 35% of the course)
Paper 3: Practical skills, data handling and synopsis (2h exam, 30% of the course)
Why study computing?
The Computing BTEC looks not only at the technical side of computing but also focuses on the creative side such as game and app development, digital video and audio and 3D modelling. This course gives you the specialist knowledge and skills to prepare you for a range of higher education courses, apprenticeship and employment within the computing and IT sector.
What will I study?
The BTEC level 3 Extended Certificate is equivalent to one A-level. You will study four units over the two year course with three mandatory units and one optional unit. The course provides a balance of breadth and depth while retaining a degree of choice for individual learners to study content, relevant to their own interests and progression choices.
Units you will study:
Unit 1 – Principles of Computer Science: This unit covers all aspects of computer programming and computational thinking. You will develop your knowledge of programming techniques and learn how to apply this to solve problems.
Unit 2 – Fundamentals of Computer Systems: This unit covers a range of computer software, hardware systems and technology and how they all work together. You will learn how and why current computer components and the data they use perform in certain ways and how to apply this in the many varied roles of the computing industry.
Unit 7 – IT Systems Security and Encryption: In this unit you will learn about the different types of security attack and how to protect IT networks from these attacks as well as how to configure and support these networks.
Unit 14 – Computer Games Development: Throughout this unit you will investigate the computer games industry and its impact on technological and social trends. You will design and develop a computer game to meet specific requirements. (optional unit)
Unit 1: Written examination
Unit 2: Written examination
Unit 7: Coursework
Unit 14: Coursework
What the qualification can lead to:
The course can lead to apprenticeships and employment in the Business, ICT and Computing industries as well as to further studies at university including:
The A Level Drama & Theatre course develops your understanding of Drama from GCSE and puts practical work at the heart of each of the 3 components of study. The course presents an opportunity to study plays from the point of view of a director, designer, performer and critic.
For those students who have enjoyed their GCSE Drama course, they will love this. Students explore different playwrights, practitioners and texts in detail and develop the ability to be an outstanding actor.
There are 4 lessons per week at A-Level and students are encouraged to be independent thinkers who are responsible for their own outcomes. All of our Drama students have a real passion for the subject and this is reflected in the wonderful work that they create.
We believe that seeing live theatre is one of the best ways to learn the craft of acting and so we offer lots of trips to professional venues in London, Leicester and even New York. The annual School Production offers a wonderful opportunity for 6th Formers to get involved, both on stage and behind the scenes. There is so much on offer for our 6th Formers to get involved.
Component 1 – Devising 40% of A-Level. Students will: Create a devised piece influenced by a chosen play extract and a theatre practitioner and write a 3000 word portfolio about the devising process.
Component 2 – Text in Performance 20% of A-Level Students will perform two key extracts from TWO performance texts.
Component 3 – Theatre Makers in Practice (The Exam) 40% of A-Level Practical exploration and study of 2 complete performance texts and completion of a live theatre evaluation.
English Language at A Level is nothing like the subject at GCSE: it’s better…much better. Essentially, it is linguistics which is altogether a more scientific approach to the study of language. We look at how meanings are constructed, the influence of context on how we communicate, grammatical structures, important social topics (like gender, power and age), the role of English as a world language, and how we learn language as very young children among many other interesting topics.
A Level English Language is academically rigorous and challenging. You need to learn a whole new metalanguage to help describe what you do. You will need to learn and apply a host of theoretical models. The important thing to remember, though, is that the data we explore is all REAL. We explore and analyse real texts: transcripts of real people talking, real situations with real contexts, real examples of real language as they are used in real life. In other words, this course equips you to understand and explore the myriad ways we use language in our lives. You will begin to analyse and deconstruct how people use language to try and manipulate us and make us do and think things. You will be able to peel back the linguistic layers to see the reality occurring in many situations. In this way, studying English Language is as empowering as it is intellectually rewarding.
20% of this course is assessed by completing Non-Exam Assessment (AKA coursework). For these pieces you can develop your creative writing skills, further your journalistic aspirations or become a master of persuasion. You will also get the opportunity to explore a linguistic topic of your choice in depth and arrive at some conclusions you have thoroughly investigated.
We are the only creatures we know of in the universe to have developed a sophisticated system of language – it seems a shame not to study this unique phenomenon in more depth.
AQA English Literature A Level involves the study of poetry, prose fiction and drama from Shakespeare’s time to the modern day. The course comprises three units: Paper 1 examination on ‘Aspects of Tragedy’ (40% of A Level); Paper 2 examination on ‘Elements of Political and Social Protest Writing’ (40%); and a Non-exam Assessment called ‘Theory and Independence’ (20%). The texts you will explore include Shakespeare’s ‘Othello’, Romantic poetry and more contemporary texts like ‘The Kite Runner’ and ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’.
Choose this subject if you love reading and enjoyed English Literature GCSE. You will also enjoy the opportunity to debate and discuss potential meanings arising from our set texts. The Non-exam Assessment gives you chance to respond to your own choice of text and engage with a range of critical theories.
English Literature is a well-respected academic subject, a facilitator subject for Russell Group universities and can open doors to a range of different careers.
The EPQ is an AS Level qualification. Selected students will be encouraged to take the EPQ in addition to their existing A-Levels. The EPQ can follow on from existing areas of study in their subjects or it can be a specific interest outside of a student’s A-level studies. There are a huge number of possible projects to choose from. The focus of the project will be carefully devised by the student with the guidance of a specialist supervisor within the school. The focus of the project will then be agreed by the school and the students will be required to apply their initiative and research skills to complete their project.
Students will be approached to undertake the EPQ towards the end of Year 12. Due to the independent study that is required to undertake the EPQ a number of factors including year 12 mock results, attitude to study and internal assessment grades throughout year 12 will be taken into account before a student is invited to undertake the EPQ. In the last half term of Year 12 students will attend 1 hour sessions each week to learn research methods and skills that they will use to undertake their Extended Projects. Students will also be matched with a staff member who can provide guidance on their area of interest. Students will be expected to complete research over the summer holidays and provide their supervisor with a draft of the first section in the first week back after the summer holidays. Students will have 2 meetings with their supervisor between September and Christmas. Students will submit their final draft in January and perform presentations in front of a non-specialist audience. Projects will be marked and submitted to the exam board in March of the Academic year.
The EPQ can take two formats:
Benefits of the EPQ:
Why study French?
Languages are an invaluable skill to have in today’s market. A Level study of languages will build upon your existing knowledge gained at GCSE. It will give you a sound understanding of using your language in a variety of contexts and situations; whether on holiday, at work, or just in normal day-to-day life. You will improve your communication in the foreign language by developing your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, as well as your grammatical and literary understanding. The courses are designed to help you develop proficiency in your chosen foreign language and to appreciate the diversity of cultures in an ever expanding multilingual global society. So, if you want a fascinating and challenging subject that offers you a range of career possibilities at the end, choosing a language at A Level is a really smart move.
What can I expect?
Learning a language will open your mind and broaden your knowledge of the world through the study of relevant and stimulating topics. You will develop your knowledge of how language works and with it your ability to express yourself in a second language. The units will be taught using a range of activities with access to a variety of resources including ICT, literature, newspapers, magazines, films and music.
Where could it lead?
A Level languages combine well with all subjects and are regarded as an indicator of academic ability and often a pre-requisite for entry into some universities. The ability to communicate in a foreign language is a highly desirable and sought-after skill in all spheres of employment. From translating and interpreting, to business, travel and tourism. Whichever career path you take, a language will help you stand out from other job applicants and potentially earn you more.
How will I be assessed?
Over the course of the two years you will cover the following topics:
Students will also study at least one literary work, and one film. There is a requirement for students to do an individual research project during the second year of study.
Final Exams (Year 13):
Paper 1 – Listening, Reading and Writing. 2h 30m written examination. 50% of A Level.
Paper 2 – Written essay on one text and one film or on 2 texts. 2h written examination. 20% of A Level.
Paper 3 – Speaking (including presentation of project). 21-23 minutes (+5 minutes preparation time). 30% of A Level.
Any further questions?
Questions about the courses should be directed to Miss Phillips, Miss Brousse, Mr Reed or Mrs Doney.
Maths is such a vast and varied subject. There is always something new to learn and thus not all topics can be placed in a single A Level. Further Mathematics is designed for those that wish to undertake Maths, Engineering or any related subject in higher education.
The material covered will prove to be of great benefit when embarking on a degree course. Students will be required to complete four modules if they are to achieve an A Level in Further Mathematics. The first two modules will be based solely on Core Pure Mathematics. These modules will give pupils an insight into branches of Mathematics that they have never seen before. For example; Proof, Complex Numbers, and Matrices. The third and fourth modules will focus on Applied Maths which will be chosen following discussion with pupils. These are chosen from Core, Statistics, Mechanics and Decision Maths.
The course requires pupils to sit all of your exams at the end of year 13. Pupils will sit two Core papers accounting for two-thirds of the grade and two papers from the remaining courses that are chosen accounting for the remaining third.
Geography is a vital subject in our modern world, allowing students to think critically about the world they live and to question the physical and human processes. Who we are, why we are here and the impacts that nature has on people and the impacts people have on their environment are all studied at A-Level. The step from GCSE to A-Level is simple, at GCSE we ask "What?" and "How?", but at A-Level the Geography course focusses on asking WHY?
At Sir William Roberston Academy, we follow the AQA A-Level course, which allows students to study three physical and three human topics. This then allows the students to choose from a wide range of topics when it comes to their own independent Geographical Enquiry, which makes up 20% of their A-Level. With the guidance of an experienced classroom teacher, this independent piece of work allows students to practice all the skills they have learnt during their Geography journey and puts them in a strong position for their next steps after A-Levels.
Geography students are highly sought after in industry and businesses, for their critical thinking and problem solving skills, so here is the perfect opportunity to add a Geography A-Level to your C.V.
The Health and Social Care sector is undergoing radical and rapid change. Developments in frontline health and social care mean there’s a demand for well-trained and multi skilled people across a range of rewarding employment opportunities. Opportunities are expanding in certain fields with, for example, significant recruitment to health visitor and social worker roles.
NCFE CACHE Technical Level 3 Certificate covers 9 units with a 20 hour controlled assessment in the 2nd year.
Learners will be required to attend a 75 hour placement in a real work environment to support their learning.
Very high success rate, 100% of students either achieving or exceeding their target grade.
UCAS maximum allocation of 84 points at A* to the NCFE CACHE Technical Level 3 Certificate in Health and Social Care.
At Sir William Robertson Academy you will study the AQA A Level module of Tsarist and Communist Russia, 1855-1964 and the Making of Modern Britain 1951-2007. Two examinations are taken at the end of Year 13, each lasting for 2 hours and 30 minutes in which you will answer three questions. In preparation for these exams you will learn how to engage in the most sophisticated analysis of both historical sources and academic interpretations. You will also complete an independent coursework task which focuses on seventeenth century Britain. You will have some choice about the particular question you will answer and will be supported with a range of resources and supervisions to help you to produce a university-standard piece of writing.
The Mathematics course at SWRA offers students a varied and enriching study programme that will provide learners with the necessary skills for developing their mathematical ability, whilst encouraging independent and group learning.
Students will study the challenging blend of Core ‘Pure’ Maths, as well as an equal share of Statistics and Mechanics which account for the applied modules of the course. This provides pupils with a challenging and thought provoking diet of study that is enough to fulfil any thriving Mathematician’s thirst for knowledge.
The course requires pupils to sit all of your exams at the end of year 13. Pupils will sit two Pure papers accounting for two-thirds of the grade and one further Applied papers testing knowledge of Statistics and Mechanics, which makes up the remaining third.
EDUQAS A Level Media Studies is an innovative and contemporary course that will encourage you to read the Media critically and understand theoretical frameworks surrounding the media.
In Component 1 you will look at a broad range of set products from a variety of different media forms such as music videos, video games and advertising. Some of the set products include Black Panther, Dizzee Rascal’s Dream and the Assassin’s Creed franchise. You will sit an exam on these and unseen media products. (35%)
In Component 2 you will look more closely at three forms which are television, magazines and online media. This is also an examined unit. (35%)
Finally Component 3 is a practical task that allows you put into practice some of the things you have learned. You will choose from a range of briefs set by the exam board and design your own media products. This allows you the opportunity for detailed and independent study into a section of the media you are passionate about. (30%)
Media is a creative, engaging and dynamic subject and is thoroughly enjoyed by our current students.
Follow in the footsteps of Einstein, Newton, Planck, Faraday and many more. In A level Physics you will explore the phenomena of the universe and look at theories that explain what is observed.
This subject combines practical skills with theoretical ideas to develop descriptions of the physical universe. A Level Physics is assessed by three exams at the end of year 13, and practical skills are assessed throughout the 2 years. You will have the opportunity to learn about everything from kinematics to astrophysics and many recent developments in fascinating topics, such as particle physics.
A Level Physics is for those students looking for a challenge. Physics is more than a subject – it trains your brain to think beyond boundaries. A good grade in A level Physics will set you apart from most other university applicants and demonstrates that you have analytical and mathematical skills that you can apply to real life situations.
Why take D&T at A-Level? Because it’s innovative, exciting, and rewarding!
Do you like to learn through practical projects? Do you enjoy designing and making? Would you like to apply your knowledge of Technology, Science & Maths to different situations (STEM)? Potentially look at an exciting career in Product Design / Architecture / Engineering? Then continue reading as this sounds like it could be right up your street! Equipping you with design skills for your future. The course will help you to recognise design needs and develop an understanding of how global issues and the latest technologies have an impact on the world around them.
You will:
In Year 12 you will complete 3 projects (Product Design, Architecture, Industrial design) to give you a feel for the direction you would like to take your final coursework project, which starts in June of Year 12. You will back up these 3 projects with theory on Materials, Processes, Joining & Finishing, Digital Technologies and Technological Developments. While improving your design skills, sketching, marker rendering, CAD and Graphic packages like Illustrator and Photoshop. Eventually you’ll be able to show off all of your knowledge through one final project (of your choosing) that counts for 50% of your final A-Level grade, while the other 50% is a written exam.
So, for all of the above reasons – you should look at your future being one that you design!
What is Psychology?
Psychology is a fascinating science that is concerned with the study of the mind and behaviour. How we think, feel, act and interact individually and in groups. Psychology is concerned with all aspects of behaviour and with the thoughts, feelings and motivations underlying that behaviour.
Why study Psychology?
1.Psychology can help you better understand yourself and of the people around you
2.Psychology can help you become a better communicator
3.You will develop your critical thinking skills
4.Psychology is both fun and fascinating!
What will you study?
Some of the topics you will study are memory; social influence; attachment; aggression; abnormality; relationships, as well as how research is conducted.
How are you assessed?
The course is assessed by completing 3 written exams at the end of Year 13. Each exam is 2 hours long and includes multiple choice, short answer and essay questions. The exams will measure the following assessment objectives: knowledge and understanding of research; application of knowledge and evaluation of research. At least 10% of the overall assessment of Psychology will contain mathematical skills.
This qualification equates to 1 A Level and can be studied alongside other A Levels offered within the 6th Form programme. Within the extended certificate there are three mandatory units: Anatomy and Physiology (external examination), Fitness Training and Programming (externally marked task), Professional Development in Sports Industry (internal assignment) and the Practical Sports Performance unit.
Assessment is undertaken through a series of examinations, coursework and internally assessed research projects. Pupils work is graded using a scale of P to D*.
What could this qualification lead to?
The qualification carries UCAS points and is recognised by higher education providers as contributing to meeting admission requirements for many courses if taken alongside other qualifications as part of a two-year programme of study. It combines well with a large number of subjects and supports entry to higher education courses in a very wide range of disciplines (depending on the subjects taken alongside). For learners who wish to study an aspect of sport in higher education, opportunities include:
How does the qualification provide employability skills?
In the BTEC National units there are opportunities during the teaching and learning phase to give learners practice in developing employability skills. Where employability skills are referred to in this specification, we are generally referring to skills in the following three main categories: cognitive and problem-solving skills: use critical thinking, approach non-routine problems applying expert and creative solutions, use systems and technology; intrapersonal skills: communicating, working collaboratively, negotiating and influencing, self-presentation; interpersonal skills: self-management, adaptability and resilience, self-monitoring and development.
This is intended as a Tech Level qualification, equivalent in size to three A Levels. It has been designed as a full two-year programme for post-16 learners. This qualification is particularly appropriate for learners who are interested in progressing to a career in sport and physical activity development, either directly, or through access to universities and higher education. This qualification is particularly appropriate for learners who are interested in progressing to a career in sport and physical activity development, either directly, or through higher education.
Within the National Extended Diploma there are eight mandatory units: Anatomy and Physiology (external examination), Fitness Training and Programming (externally marked task), Professional Development in Sports Industry (internal assignment), Sports Leadership, Psychology in Sport, Fitness testing, Research Methods and Sports provision.
Assessment is undertaken through a series of examinations, coursework and internally assessed research projects. Pupils work is graded using a scale of P to D*, or PP to D*D*, or PPP to D*D*D*. In terms of points to access universities D* D* D* would be worth the same points as A*A*A* at A Level. The course allows you to obtain 420 UCAS points (equivalent to 3 A* at A Level).
What could this qualification lead to?
All combinations of optional units available in this qualification will support progression to these entry level roles in sport and physical activity. The qualification carries UCAS points and with any combination of optional units are recognised by higher education providers as meeting admission requirements for many relevant specialist courses, for example:
How does the qualification provide employability skills?
In the BTEC National units there are opportunities during the teaching and learning phase to give learners practice in developing employability skills. Where employability skills are referred to in this specification, we are generally referring to skills in the following three main categories: cognitive and problem-solving skills: use critical thinking, approach non-routine problems applying expert and creative solutions, use systems and technology; intrapersonal skills: communicating, working collaboratively, negotiating and influencing, self-presentation; interpersonal skills: self-management, adaptability and resilience, self-monitoring and development.