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  • Governance

    Join our Governance community

    Expression of Interest: Role of Governor

    Would you like to make a difference and help develop opportunities for children in your community? Our schools need the support of local people who understand the school's local community. If you are passionate about supporting your community and are interested in finding out more about being part of your school’s governance, we would love to hear from you.

    For further details, please click on the link below to complete a short Expression of Interest form and our Governance Team will be in touch.

    Expression of Interest form


    Listed below are the current Governors at Sir William Robertson Academy.

    Mr Darren Leafe Chair of Governor (Co-opted)  Local Committee and Safeguarding Link Governor
    Mr Mark Guest Headteacher Ex Officio Trustee of Aspire Schools Trust Headteacher, Accounting Officer & Local Committee
    Mrs Samantha Barlow Parent Governor (Elected) Local Committee
    Mr Philip Ball Governor (Co-opted) Local Committee
    Mr Glenn Mounsey Governor (Co-opted) Local Committee and also SEND Link Governor
    Miss Esme Burrough Governor (Co-opted) Local Committee
    Miss Leanne Haigh Staff Governor (Elected) Local Committee
    Miss Bryony Burrough Staff Governor (Elected) Local Committee
    Mrs Samantha Quincey Governor (Co-opted)  Local Committee 


    The Academy is supported by a well qualified, hard working group of governors listed above. Governors have responsibility for setting the strategic aims, ethos and direction of the Academy; monitoring and evaluating its performance; and determining the resources required to achieve the best possible outcomes for its pupils and the community. The governing body details and key documentation (shown below) can be found by clicking here to visit the Aspire Schools Trust website.

    • Governing Body details (including names, category of governor, roles and committee membership)
    • Pecuniary interests (register of business interests)
    • Articles of Association
    • Academy Funding Agreement
    • Register of Governor attendance at meetings
    • SWRA Governor Code of Conduct

    Any queries should be sent via email to the clerk:

    To contact Mrs Quincey, the Chair of Governors, please email (please mark your email for the attention of the Chair of Governors)

    Aspire Schools Trust

    Useful Links

    Please find below a list of useful resources and web links for Governors.

    Also available to provide a voice to all parents across Lincolnshire are the elected Parent Governor Representatives on Lincolnshire County Councils Scrutiny Commitees. You can contact them via email

    You can also visit the Governance – Aspire Schools Trust page of the Aspire Schools Trust website for details of our trustees, trust governance structure and scheme of delegation.