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Media Studies


At SWRA we ASPIRE to deliver a high quality, relevant and challenging media curriculum which provides opportunities for students to explore the media.  Students will develop a range of practical and analytical skills through a curriculum that engages with the complex, evolving nature of the Media.

Media Studies is all-embracing and has never been more relevant. From video games, to newspapers and social media, the media is everywhere. We study a variety of texts, some produced within the last year and others that date back to the early 1950s. This allows students to explore social, cultural, political and technological changes, enhancing their ability to empathise with various viewpoints and perspectives. We create a culture that encourages critical thinking, discussion and debate which benefits pupils beyond the classroom. We study exciting texts at both GCSE and A Level from a range of media forms, including the Marvel film Black Panther, the Assassin’s Creed franchise and the Bond film franchise. Media Studies at SWRA is stimulating, engaging and thought provoking.

After developing an understanding of the media theoretical framework and their analysis of existing media products students then have an opportunity to construct their own products.  In this practical element of media studies students have to work to a brief to produce media products.  Here they need to learn how to create their own products using software and equipment.  These technical skills are invaluable in any career, especially as our reliance on technology continues to increase. 

As a department we seek to educate learners to question everything they see and hear through enquiry and critical thinking, by studying a diverse range of historical and contemporary products; some of which will be more familiar to them than others. Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the media framework of media language, media representations, audiences and industry alongside exploration of a wide set of contextual factors. This learning will then be applied to textual analysis and their own creative process in response to a set brief where they will become creators of their own meaning.

Media is an option subject that students select to study at Key Stage 4 or Key Stage 5. The courses offered are from the EDUQAS examination board.  The qualifications are designed to engage and inspire all pupils to meet their aspirations with confidence, ready for the next stage of their life either in further education or a career.  We work as part of the English department and have introduced a unit of work at Key Stage 3 focused on understanding and analysing media products.  We also work to improve essay writing skills and oracy in Media lessons.   Media is a popular subject at both Key Stages and many of our students progress to study Media at university.